The protagonist and university student Hanamaki Ichiko is invited by Kagutsuchi Hino - her childhood friend in the same university year level as her - to go to Okunezato in order to look for her disappeared older brother together. One year ago in this town, her older brother suddenly disappeared without a trace. Yesterday, Aksys Games announced four new otome games they will be localizing in 2018 for the PS Vita & PS4!Ī PS4 release of the original Code: Realize game as well as the upcoming fandisk, Future Blessings. XSEED Games will also host an “XSEED Games Localization Panel” on July 6 from 8:30 p.m.
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XSEED Games’ full E3 2018 lineup will also be playable. London Detective Mysteria will be playable in English for the first time at Anime Expo 2018 from July 5 to 8 in Los Angeles. Players must choose their words carefully as they interact with other characters, as decisions made throughout the story will not only affect special rewards but will also shape whether Lady Whiteley finds love or something more sinister in the shadows of 19th century London. Take full control over the experience by adjusting text speed or even the individual speaking volumes of individual characters and their original Japanese voices. Playing as the heiress of House Whiteley, players will name their own Lady Whiteley as they investigate mysteries of London and interact with personalities inspired by famous fictional characters including Detective Holmes, Jack the Ripper, and more. Here is an overview of the game, via XSEED Games:Įschew the frivolities of 19th century London’s high society and instead delve into the curiosities that lie hidden in London’s darkest corners in London Detective Mysteria. London Detective Mysteria was originally released as Eikoku Tantei Mysteria for PSP in 2013 in Japan, followed by an enhanced PS Vita version called Eikoku Tantei Mysteria: The Crown in 2016.
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XSEED Games is bringing Karin Entertainment-developed otome visual novel London Detective Mysteria to North America and Europe for PS Vita and PC as a digital-only title this fall, the company announced. Otome visual novel London Detective Mysteria coming west for PS Vita, PC this Fall